The Better MedicationFor the Better Life and World

Joonghun pursues the world where everyone lives a better quality life.

Even at this moment, together we are trying our best to achieve our motto of delivering the safest and the most effective medication for all.

To realize ‘the Better Medication For the Better Life and World,’ Joonghun Pharmaceutical is continuously manufacturing products under strict compliance of KGMP regulations and unstintedly investing in our R&D projects to potentiate our ability to better life and world.

Our Effort to Manufacturethe More Efficacious And the More Stable Products

To realize ‘the Better Medication For the Better Life and World,’ Joonghun Pharmaceutical established her manufacturing facility in Chungju, Choongchungbookdo, South Korea.

After being KGMP certified in 2016, the facility has produced hyaluronic acid dermal fillers and oral drugs.

Currently, the facility is composed of state of the art manufacturing machines as we are putting our best effort to increase our capability of manufacturing more efficacious and the more stable products.

Your voice becomes our starting point to wonderwhat could be possiblydone to create better life

We ponder about your mundane life.

‘In order to completely enjoy happiness, there should be no physical discomfort’ is what we believe in. Even minor discomfort you experience, no matter how others may overlook, we passionately discuss to make a change. Moreover, in order to deliver the best quality medication, we are partnering with many other companies internationally. You are more than welcome if you would like to join us.